Riley and Jemma

Sunday, February 26, 2006

A week of firsts

The week started so badly and ended very well. Let me explain!

Riley's diarrhoea became 2.5 days of painful constipation. No details required but very heartbreaking and stressful for the wee man.

The nights were still horrendous as well and Mummy and Daddy weren't sure how much more they could take. But then the week turned around- well on the last day anyway!

Jemma is now trying solids and she loves them. Tries to hold the spoon in her mouth and gets grumpy when finished.

Grandma and Grandad came down for the weekend to have a trial run with Riley as Mum and Dad are going away for 2 nights in April. So Mum and Dad got to have some time together. Riley however didn't like not being in his bed and punished us all during the night!

Great great Aunt Audrey came to see Jemma. Jemma thanked her by chewing on her hands!

Riley got his FIRST dressing gown and he thinks he is pretty cool. He posed happily for this photo!

The best news is that Jemma slept through the night for the FIRST time ever. And after Riley screamed from 11;30-12:30 (even with phenergan on board- roll eyes), he slept until 7:00am!!! So we got about 6 hours solid sleep and we feel like a million dollars... please don't let us have jinxed ourselves by proclaiming it to the world..


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