Riley and Jemma

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Fun at the fair

The weather still hasn't been great but on our home holiday, we have managed to visit parks and paddling pools.

We went to the A&P show and were thrilled that Riley went on the merry go round. A big step for him. Jemma also loved it, she gave the royal wave to everyone as she went around.

The kids are back at childcare and seem to be enjoying it. Riley went on a trip to the museum and loved it- he was very well behaved as well. He has learned some phrases this week so we know it is a positive experience- 'watch out for me'.

Rileys toilet training is going slowly but generally positive.... for wees anyway....

Jemma is often 'walking' on her knees so still getting there. She has a huge repertoire of animal noises and she knows what she wants. She pretends to talk on the phone, wants to put salt and pepper on her tea, blow on the hot food.. in fact anything we do, she wants to copy. She is hilarious to watch.


  • Hi guys,
    back into it for another year.....
    We have had four days of summer up here so it has been good. Tonight it has started to rain again and the temperatures have dropped somewhat.
    The kids look great doing their own little thing for the camera. Jemma's photo of her feeding herself speaks a thousand words...been there done that.
    Your Mom is working fulltime at the moment. She just rang before to say she was still alive..... I am going to a new job on the 12th over at the Varsity - had enough where I am.
    Should go out and put some fertilizer on the lawn....but I am in me nightie.
    Give the guys a kiss and hug from me.....when do we see you again?
    Everything will be in full swing next week with the kids getting back to schools and kindy. More traffic on the road.
    Okay all is well here, hope your all fine and dandy.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:06 pm  

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