Riley and Jemma

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

What are the kids doing now?

It has been a really busy week. It is amazing to live with these two children. They change and develop so quickly and they do some really cool things!

Having taught Riley to recite his name, we are now working on his address and he is so funny as he chants it all. He is a wonderful big brother and Jemma watches him like a hawk. As soon as I arrive to pick them up at childcare, Riley marches off to the babies room to 'go pick up Jemma'. He is very protective of her and makes us very proud.

Jemma is certainly an observer of life. She doesn't cry much and just watches and smiles. She loves people talking to her.

She hasn't quite got the solids thing sussed which is obvious when looking at her attempts with carrot and rice but she did enjoy it and she laughed lots (though who would believe me - she always stops smiling when I point a camera at her!) She loves the frozen apple though.

Peter and I had to laugh last night. After a year on and off of Riley with sleeping 'issues' we decided to google and see if he might have a sleeping disorder and what could we do about it. Well... the internet tells you everything and there is a label for everything. We did indeed find that we are not alone and Riley fits to a 't' the description for 'confusional arousal'. So who makes up these names? It doesn't stop our sleep deprivation but it did intrigue us and after all that research, Riley didn't wake last night!


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