Riley and Jemma

Thursday, January 24, 2008

The lazy, hazy days of summer

Nothing fascinating to report. We have been enjoying the hot weather this year. Rileys bravery with boats extended to going in the ocean and having a great time. I have been taking the kids to Woodhaugh paddling pool for picnics which they have been enjoying.

Dad wants to know if I am confused and think it is still Christmas as I bought Jemma a wooden bike (see picture). It has no pedals and they learn to balance before worrying about pedalling. However, it is still a little big for her so Riley has taken off with it... pink wheels and all. Poor child. She finally gets a bike that is not a hand me down and he still gets it first. Though we make him ask to borrow it.

The kids stayed with Grandma and Grandad last weekend while Mum and Dad were in Christchurch. They had a good time sussing out the fishing boats and riding round the back lawn making mischief. Now, they get to look forward to Nana coming down to stay next week. Riley knows she is coming on an ATR plane so now he has learned to point all of those out in the sky. And his naming of cars by their badges gets more and more accurate.... On the positive side of using his brains, he is reading quite well now.

Jemma is continuing to amaze us with her talking- the sentences get longer and longer and her vocabulary is expanding all the time. She is fascinated with who is a lady or a man, big or little boy or girl, and their private parts. She also has an obsession with having a 'sore knee' as she keeps falling on it. And of course, her 'mine' phase is still going strong. She has gotten more independent and now wants to climb into the car and her car seat on her own. She and Grandad had an argument over this... not sure who won :-)


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