Riley and Jemma

Monday, July 07, 2008

Riley's last kindy holidays...

Only 4 weeks and Riley starts school. Of course, Jemma wants to go too and she has already been given her first uniform ( I haven't even bought Riley's yet!) so she is ready! In many ways Riley is ready for school- certainly academically. Socially, he is not so keen but time will tell. He is getting more confident. He built the pirate ship below all by himself so it is great that he is developing skills in doing things step by step.

The kids have been great in the snowy weather. They are not yet at the stage of knowing the word 'bored' and Riley is very good at finding things to do. Jemma tags along. She did the dishes for us the other day- not sure why she needed the cap but who are we to question?

We headed over to the playground today and Riley cursed "Oh bother" so then Jemma had to join in as well. I am just grateful that they don't have a 'stronger' vocabulary! Riley is getting better at riding his bike and Jemma has no fear- she took to putting both legs on the scooter as she rode down the ramp. She would then carry her scooter to the top of the ramp again "Is this a good idea Mum?" "um yes???" "it is a bit heavy mum" and off she goes again to land in the puddle "oh bother". Repeat this cycle for 30 minutes and the holiday time gets filled in quickly!


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