Riley and Jemma

Friday, August 25, 2006

A new era beginning

Aren't they nice flowers? Mum was given these because she finished work today so she could stay at home and be a lady of leisure, watching talk shows, eating bon bons and leaving us in day care all day.... or so the plan goes!

Or.... maybe she will be just as busy running around after us with our finickty and expensive diets and making sure we end up well rounded individuals! At least the pressure of producing wonderful lessons is off.

As per usual, life is busy here. Riley has spent another night with Grandma and Grandad and is getting very good at staying away. Next time, Dad probably won't have to go.

We are off to Queenstown next week for a seminar on Aspergers syndrome so we are staying an extra couple of days to have a break....hmmmm... we thought Mum and Dad learned at Easter that going away doesn't guarantee more sleep. At least the scenery will be pretty. Grandma and Grandad are coming to look after us- maybe they will do the early shift????

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Jemma is getting her second tooth- just look at that cheek! Could explain her grizzly behaviour yesterday..... She is also at that 'everything in my mouth' stage as you can see.

She wants to be crawling and is doing some lovely supermans on her front. She is so different from Riley who never really went through that frustrated stage of wanting to move but not being able to. Jemma gets frustrated and tells us all about it.

Riley is a good big brother. He doesn't like sharing too much - 'no sharing Jemma'. But he will play with her and bring her toys to play with. He has had a good week. He is adjusting well to the gluten and casein free diet. I made a recipe that he loves so am feeling quite pleased about that! Otherwise I end up eating the failures so as not to waste food!

He is singing tonnes at the moment. He likes to entertain the changing rooms at the pool each Sunday, much to Peters amusement/embarrassment. I asked him the other day where Nana and Grandad lived since Nana had been to stay. His answer? 'The airport'.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Happy Birthday Riley

Riley had a great birthday. He was so aware this year of what happens and the changes in him were really exciting. He loved his presents and was even able to unwrap most of them himself.

He sang Happy Birthday to himself with great gusto..... many times. He loved his Thomas cake that Mum and Dad decorated. It wasn't our best effort but he was happy! Emily and Ted came over to play and help him blow out candles and Riley was really impressive the way he interacted with Emily. He has come so far!

Nana came down to visit him and Grandma and Grandad arrived on the Sunday to say Happy Birthday, along with Uncle Paul and Aunty Jo. We were really proud of his progress and his manners!!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Back on deck

Well, it has been a couple of tough weeks. The computer 'died' and we lost the last 3 months of photos which is really upsetting. I have been able to copy the blog ones so that is one consolation. I have learned 2 really important words... BACK UP!

So now, I have Picasa and am working out how to use it for my photos. I can't seem to put Rileys photo on here. Need to read the help files....

Jemma has her first tooth. At 10 mths (nearly 2 weeks ago) she got it.
She is also rolling around heaps on the floor. Her sleep remains a disaster- food intolerances and now bad habits.... we also think she has chickenpox! We will be able to tell more in the morning!

Riley is 3 on Saturday and all he wants is a Thomas cake! He is so cute. I hope my Thomas cake works.... I have made a gluten and casein free one... not a great taste so hopefully it will be good looking instead :-) I don't think he understands presents too much but Mum is pretty excited about his presents!

We will update on the birthday!
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